Mediafin - War Debate
A great example of a hybrid event! De Tijd asked us to set up a debate in our BLUE MOON studios at KINEPOLIS. The newspaper wanted to respond to current events: the war that had just broken out in Ukraine. A fascinating concept was quickly developed: a debate moderated by editor-in-chief Peter De Groote and featuring well-known guest speakers such as Geert Noels and Thierry Saegeman. There would be an audience in the room, but most would be able to follow everything live at home via De Tijd’s website.
BLUE MOON captured and compiled everything into a dynamic show. We also created the visuals, in blue and yellow in honour of Ukraine, which provided a good rhythm to the event. Our team created a streaming platform tailored to the event, like Netflix for De Tijd.

Technical Info
Client Mediafin
Date March 2022
Product hybrid event
Location BLUE MOON studios at Kinepolis
Participants 3800